Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Addison!

If it seems like we just go from one birthday to the next in the summer, it's because we do. We celebrate a birthday in May, June and July. And we now have one son in double digits since Addison turned 10! To celebrate he had a friend sleep over and we went to Adventure Landing, a fun and games place with laser tag, go-carts, etc. Then on the evening of the 24th we went out to eat with Addison's grandparents at the Cheesecake Factory. It was a fun evening and also included a trip to the Lego store which is in the same mall as the restaurant. It was definitely a star-wars lego birthday for Addison (see pic), and he has also really enjoyed a new Wii game he got from us: Toy Story 3. We thank God for Addison! Also this week we had the boy's cousins from New York visit. They had a great time swimming, hiking and just playing around. (for some reason blogger is not uploading all the pictures I had planned. I'll try it again later).